Tribute to Milan

Milan Sova

Milan Sova was born 11 January 1962 in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic.

Milan graduated in 1985 from the Czech Technical University in Prague and later worked there for ten years as a network administrator. Since 2000 he was employed by CESNET. He played an active role in the development of eduroam, PKI and federations worldwide and formed the Czech Identity Federation, eduroam and the CESNET CA services.

He was a valuable member of several international working groups within TERENA, IGTF, EUGridPMA, OGF and GEANT. In TERENA he was a highly valued contributor the the Task Forces MNM and EMC2 and to REFEDS and TCS.

Milan Sova was a strong personality with a natural authority. He put his mark on many developments in our community and will be dearly missed for his contributions and above all his friendship.

Please add your name and country of origin as a tribute to Milan!

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